More Birds
I haven't seen John's snow bunting yet but the first junco stopped at the feeder on its way north. Also a robin appeared here this morning. He was probably out so early because the thermometer ready 52 degrees at 7:15 this morning. No wonder the open window felt so good all night!
The American goldfinches, who were at the feeder all winter, are starting to replace their drab winter coats with bright yellow feathers. Soon those males will be strutting around fully covered with yellow and hoping to attract the attention of some gals.
Several other small spring happening occured yesterday. On my way to town I saw a moose who was shedding his winter coat. They really are ugly at this time of year. This one, however, looked like it had found plenty of food during the winter.
Just before turning in the side road while coming home, I looked across the lake toward the Cross River bridge. It looks like there is a spot of open water by the bridge. Bruce and I will have to drive over to check it out.
Finally, I received my semi-annual greeting from Dr. Kenton Stewart at the State University of New York in Buffalo, New York. For years he has kept track of the freeze-up and ice-out of many northern lakes. Bruce's mother, Justine, sent him the dates first and now it is my turn. One day I would like to get a copy of the records for Gunflint Lake.
Spring comes a bit slower here in the north, but it does eventually come.
Sue Kerfoot
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