Thursday, March 02, 2006

Gunflint Lodge

Gunflint Lodge
Good Morning from Sue!

I have been thinking about another walk that Tucker and I took down the back road this winter. We had received 3-4 inches of snow during the previous night. Once I got past Bob's tracks from taking his boys to the school bus, there were no tracks. It was like a blank white canvas in front of me. So off went Tucker and I to explore.

We saw a few deer and examined their tracks crossing the road. Tucker is much better at smelling those out than I am. A crow sitting on a dead tree near the road cawed at us. Tucker sat down and looked up at the bird and tilted his head as if he was studying this strange animal.

The interesting time was on our walk back. I could could see that my trail wandered back and forth across the road just like the animal tracks. Several deer had past while we were walking. The crow had moved on. No cars passed us during the entire walk. Then I thought about the snowplow which would be coming soon. It was going to wipe my entire canvas clean and leave it for me to paint on another day.

Have a good day! Sue


Eva & Lee Kerfoot said...

Hi Mike,

The ice goes off Gunflint around the first or second week of May. Gunflint is one of the bigger lakes in the area so some of the smaller lakes go out up to two weeks earlier than Gunflint.


Jack said...

Nice Blog. I was at the lodge in 1979 over 26 years now. I was only 16 or so and it was the best trip I have ever been on. The wildlife, fish and taste of the wilderness stil rings true in my heart. I hope to bring family back sometime. Keep up the good work!

Eva & Lee Kerfoot said...


Years ago the mailman on the Gunflint Trail was Don Brazell. He observed that one week after the water is freely flowing on the North Brule River, the smaller lakes opened up and the beaver pond on the Tuscarora Road went out. One week after that the bigger lakes lost their ice.

Of course, it is way to early now to do anything other than guess when the lakes will go out.

Sue K.